Where were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on? When I needed someone to care.

To see it not through my eyes but though my heart and words

Why were you not there?

Those people, that child, the ones screaming for help,

They needed me to come.

I gave with everything in my soul,

But I could not fix their wrong.

Where were you when I needed to tell the story,

Wait, But how could you have understood?

Would you have known how to help anyway, because really no one could

I told you my story and showed you the pictures, I thought you knew the deal.

But no one told you how to manage this thing, as I battle a world that is real.

I don’t fault you for not knowing the pain,

You are innocent in my life of woe

Just know that it is the endless cries of the victims,

That is an everlasting daily war

I try to ward off the enemy, with all the tricks that I know

But I see their faces nightly, in this panic stricken blur

How do I return to normal, or is that just a cruel, cruel dream

For the sights, the sounds, the odors, will always be part of my stream.

The solace to leave it in Gods’ hands, to help me manage this plight

A career that I chose put me here, I pray his grace will make it right.